Windows Error Code 800401E4-- Invalid syntax



Solutions to Invalid Syntax

Check the Line: number in your script that references the 'LDAP:// Provider'. If necessary, work back for previous LDAP occurrences.

Char 1: often lies! it just means that the whole line will not execute. In the case of runtime errors you can use this work around. Add this line: On Error Resume Next

Example of Script with a Code 800401E4 error

In my example, it's line 6 is where the problem lies. Plainly, this syntax is gibberish.

Firstly, you need a colon as in LDAP://
Secondly the dc=cp,dc=com is o.k!
But Thirdly "&"/Administrators,group" is rubbish.

Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP//dc=cp,dc=com"&"/Administrators,group")

This error code, 800401E4 occurs when you execute a VBScript. You are probably using a WSH method to connect to LDAP. A wild guess, you are using the command: GetObject("LDAP//:xyz...)


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